Calling My Dating App Matches Was So Worth It

So, I finally decided to take the plunge and connect with some of my dating app matches over the phone. Let me tell you, it was nerve-wracking at first, but once I got into the groove, it was actually really fun! We laughed, we talked about our interests, and we even made plans to meet up in person. If you're curious about trying it out, check out this helpful comparison between BBWCupid and eHarmony dating sites. Who knows, you might just find your perfect match!

In the world of online dating, there are countless ways to connect with potential partners. From swiping left or right to sending a quick message, the options seem endless. However, one method that is often overlooked is the simple act of picking up the phone and giving your matches a call. As someone who has recently tried this approach, I can confidently say that calling my dating app matches was so worth it. In this article, I will share my experience and the reasons why I believe more people should consider giving it a try.

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Breaking the Ice

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When you match with someone on a dating app, there is often a period of back and forth messaging before you actually meet in person. While this can be a great way to get to know each other, it can also lead to a lot of miscommunication and misunderstandings. Calling your matches allows you to break the ice in a more personal and direct way. It shows that you are serious about getting to know them and can help to establish a deeper connection from the start.

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Getting to Know the Real Person

Texting can often be a curated version of ourselves. We have time to think about our responses and can present ourselves in a certain light. However, when you talk to someone on the phone, you get a better sense of who they really are. Their tone of voice, the way they express themselves, and their ability to hold a conversation can all give you valuable insight into their personality. This can be incredibly helpful in determining whether or not there is a genuine connection worth pursuing.

Building Trust and Comfort

For many people, the thought of talking on the phone with someone they met online can be intimidating. However, taking that step can also help to build trust and comfort between you and your match. It shows that you are willing to put yourself out there and be vulnerable, which can in turn make your match feel more at ease as well. This can be especially important for those who are nervous about meeting in person, as it can help to establish a level of trust before taking that next step.

Finding Common Ground

One of the biggest benefits of calling your dating app matches is the opportunity to find common ground. When you talk on the phone, you have the chance to have a more in-depth conversation than you might through text. This can lead to discovering shared interests, experiences, and values that you may not have uncovered otherwise. These connections can be the foundation for a strong and lasting relationship.

Making a Lasting Impression

In a sea of matches and messages, it can be easy to get lost in the crowd. However, taking the time to call someone can make a lasting impression. It shows that you are willing to go the extra mile and put in the effort to get to know them. This can set you apart from other matches and make you more memorable in their eyes.

In conclusion, calling my dating app matches was a decision that I am grateful for. It allowed me to break the ice, get to know the real person behind the profile, build trust and comfort, find common ground, and make a lasting impression. While it may seem daunting at first, I encourage anyone who is hesitant to give it a try. The rewards far outweigh the initial nerves, and you may just find a deeper and more meaningful connection as a result. So go ahead, pick up the phone and give your matches a call - it's so worth it.